Elizabeth Baptiste
Elizabeth Baptiste

I am your Labour Councillor for Valley ward, Cllr Elizabeth Baptiste.

I am delighted to be re-elected to serve you. Thank you to everyone who voted for me and I promise to work hard for every single resident in my ward.

Please get in touch if I can help you

Email me, cllr.elizabeth.baptiste@walthamforest.gov.uk or call and leave me a message on 020 8496 3000

Come along to my in-person surgeries

Second Saturday of the month, 10.30am – 12pm at South Chingford Community Library,

265 Chingford Mount Road, E4 8LP

Fourth Wednesday of the month 3.30pm – 5.30pm at the Paradox Community Centre, 3 Ching Way, E4 8YD

I am also happy to meet by appointment. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch if I can help you.

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