Over the past 12 months, we’ve heard more and more from residents and businesses that they’re increasingly concerned about crime and anti-social behaviour.
We would like to thank residents for raising specific instances with us via email or face-to-face when we’re out in the ward.
In response we have been working with the council’s small ASB Team to remove illegal encampments, as well as trying to ‘design out crime’ with the support of local residents at locations like the area outside Avondale Court, Fillibrook Rd and the L&Q car park on Chelmsford Rd. We have also met with groups of residents and representatives of housing associations and the police at other locations to try and identify solutions for those places as well.
We are as concerned as you are about police presence in our neighbourhood. We know you want to see more police on our streets and we have been representing these views to them.
We hear from residents that they are waiting too long to hear from police when they have reported crime and we are asking them to improve this. To make sure the police can make the most accurate decisions around where police need to be most urgently please report crime to the police via 101 or 999 if it is an emergency.