Labour Councillors for Chapel End - Paul Douglas, Louise Mitchell, Steve Terry

Chapel End Labour Team - Labour Councillors for Chapel End - Paul Douglas, Louise Mitchell, Steve Terry
Contact Chapel End Labour Team
  • Waltham Forest Town Hall, Forest Rd, London E17 4JF

We are your Chapel End Councillors,  Cllr Paul Douglas, Cllr Louise Mitchell and Cllr Steve Terry.

Since we were elected, we have been speaking to hundreds of residents at our weekly ‘street surgeries’ covering the entire ward – learning what you like about our community and your hopes for our future.

Our pledges for our residents:

Work with residents to establish a low traffic neighbourhood in the ward as well as a new school street to improve walking and cycling to the ward’s schools (consultation in Nov)

Support and campaign for more trees planted, Electric Vehicle Charging Points and cycle hangars installed, more parklets and planting opportunities established to help improve our local bio- diversity offer.

Help support flood mitigation in Chapel End by installing Sustainable Urban Drainage Schemes (SUDS) like raingardens and encourage more household flood resilience.

News from Chapel End

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